Saturday, August 9, 2008

It's Alive!

A New Medium
Silicon Valley. We sit in the middle of it. That is, the AIAA San Francisco Section sits in the middle of some of the most innovative computing technology in the world. Every so often, we need to sample some of the tools that come out of the valley and other computing technology centers. If nothing else, we're in a good position to try things out and get it critiqued.

So it is with this blog. We haven't really tried blogging yet, although our parent organization seems to have done a little of it. (Examples: the 2008 Aerospace Sciences Meeting, the Space 2007 Conference.)

We welcome comments from members and our friends.

About Us
To learn more about the AIAA San Francisco Section:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This (blog) is a good idea; to keep up with the new tools to communicate with membership.
    But, How do I blog? a simple set of instructions will help members like me who never blog.
    -Past chair.

  3. Well, it's good to see that you can leave a comment. I wasn't even sure this would work.

    I probably will need to give permission to council members so that they can add new articles to the blog or edit existing material.

  4. well, I tried to do New Post. I got into the Compose panel. I did not try anymore as I do no thave anyting meaningful to Post. I did not want to clutter the blog area.
    I am now ready to contribute to this blog area.
