Tuesday, October 29, 2013

TechTalk: Delaying the Inevitable by 10 Seconds...

[Note: This program takes place tonight, 10/29.  While attendance is free, please using the "Let us know" button on the "Details + RSVP" page to help us prepare our munchies.]


Delaying the Inevitable by 10 Seconds...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013; 6:30pm-8:00pm
Hacker Dojo, Mountain View, CA
Chicken Whisperers flight
The vast majority of contraptions in the Red Bull Flugtag competition find creative ways to leap off the pier and plunge into the water. However, an occasional design seems to just float across the waters. Such was the case on September 21, when a Mountain View-based team, the Chicken Whisperers, set a Flugtag world record of 258 feet.
It helps that they are a team of engineers devoted to a new generation of aircraft design. But in this case, they do it in such an entertaining way. Aside from the frivolity, the lead designers Bob Parks and Zach Hazen of the record setting glider offer insight into the design and testing of their aircraft. [ Details + RSVP ]

Conrad Foundation looking for on-line judges

[This note comes to us from AIAA HQ.  The Conrad Foundation, named for late astronaut Pete Conrad, is a STEM partner of AIAA.]

Do you want to help foster the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs? Interested in motivating today's youth to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math?
The Conrad Foundation is currently recruiting online judges for the 2013-2014 Spirit of Innovation Challenge. The program invites teams of high school students to use their science and engineering skills to create innovative products and services that benefit humanity. (www.conradawards.org) They need experts like you  in the areas of aerospace and aviation, cybertechnology and security, energy and environment, and health and nutrition to review general entry submissions. Judging takes place entirely online and begins Oct. 25. 
Serving as a judge will take approximately 3 hours of your time.
If you are interested in participating as a judge, please send an email with background information on your area of expertise or CV, and the category you would like to judge to info@conradawards.org.

Detailed Version:
The Conrad Foundation is currently recruiting judges for the 2013-2014 Spirit of Innovation Challenge. The program invites teams of high school students to create innovative products and services that benefit humanity within one of four challenge categories. During this stage of the competition teams enter with a one-page abstract.
We need judges for each category, which consists of:
·       Aerospace & Aviation
·       Cybertechnology & Security
·       Energy & Environment
·       Health & Nutrition
General Entry Judging: Oct. 25. - Nov. 8
A Judge’s Responsibility
·  Commit to judge the minimum of 10 projects in your area of expertise (estimated 3 hours)
·  Provide thoughtful, constructive and age-appropriate feedback for each submitted project
·  Complete submission review and comments prior to the judging deadline
·   Agree to confidentiality terms that protect the intellectual property of our students
Time Commitment
·  All judging takes place electronically through a secure online judging portal.
·  We ask that you commit to reviewing a minimum of 10 entries in your area of expertise; on average, each entry should take 15-20 minutes to review and provide comments. If you are able and interested, you are invited to review additional abstracts.
The judging phase for the General Entry (abstract round) starts Oct. 25 and is approximately two weeks long.  We already have teams submitting their abstracts, so it is important that we get qualified experts such as yourself in place to help provide quality scoring and feedback to the students.
If you are interested in participating as a judge, please send an email with background information on your area of expertise or CV, and the category you would like to judge to info@conradawards.org . The Conrad Foundation will send you an invitation with a unique link to register your judge account.
Many thanks to you for your support of innovation, education and entrepreneurship! Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Carrie Taylor at info@conradawards.org.