Monday, July 1, 2013

AIAA Public Policy Committee Solicits Input for 2014 CVD Key Issues

The AIAA Public Policy Committee (PPC) is now soliciting your input for its 2014 Congressional Visits Day (CVD) key issues under the themes/subcommittee focus of: Space, Aeronautics, STEM Education & Workforce Development, and National Security.  This opportunity is available to all members within AIAA.  If you’ve ever wondered if AIAA is addressing the most pressing and relevant issues within the industry, now is your chance to contribute and participate in the process.  Input should consist of issue title/name, brief background, and at least one proposed recommendation.  Also, the issues must avoid focusing on specific local or corporate concerns and instead should reflect a consensus of the entire Institute.  Please send your input to AIAA Region VI Deputy Director for Public Policy, John Rose ( for submission to the PPC.  Deadline for input is August 1, 2013.